
Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Day

Happy Monday before Thanksgiving!! What's going on with you for the holiday? Are you traveling? Cooking? Baking? Getting together with family? I am very excited to have a short work week and I get to see most of my family this week. And I get to eat tons of yummy food, it's a win-win for sure.

I do feel a bit strange sharing a Christmas layout with you in November, but i'm sure I will get over it. This was made with the November Citrus Tree Studio Kit, A Heartfelt Christmas

That is my daughter's favorite face to make when she's messing around or just doesn't want to smile for the camera (which actually is alot of the time!). I couldn't decide which photo I liked better, so I used both. I loved the punch out banners that came in the kit, so easy to add a banner to your layout.

And those delighful stick pins that I love so much, I love using them to make flags!

This kit really put me in the holiday spirit! Do you know what else put me in the holiday spirit? Having only 1 more day of work this week, yeah!!! I hope your holiday plans are coming along, whatever you have on your schedule. Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. This is such a gorgeous LO. Your children are really adorable.

  2. ahhh what a fun page and love the banner and fun flag touch!!! great pge!!!

  3. Such sweet photos Mara! Love all the banners and buttons!

  4. love all the special touches you've added! And your daughter's funny face just made my morning - so cheeky :)

  5. teehee I had to laugh at the the banner and the little flags too!

  6. love those photos: they make me smile! lovin' your flags and those green pins are sooooo pretty! great xmas lo! :)

  7. Beautiful lo, Mara! Sweet pics...your kids are adorable. Love the looks of the kit too! :)

  8. Great layout. Love that look on your daughters face. Too funny!

  9. Very pretty LO!!
    Love the pictures!!
    IKWYM! Our dd sometimes doesn't want to smile she just wants to be silly or look very serious!!
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

  10. What FUN photos! I LOVE the layout, Mara! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  11. What a FUN layout, your kids are adorable :)

  12. adorable layout--and i love that second picture :)
