
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Santa Knows

Are you in the holiday mood yet? I can't even walk through a store without being hit with holiday decorations, goodies, and music. This month's Citrus Tree Studio kit, A Heartfelt Christmas, is sure to put you in the holiday spirit, too!

Isn't this a fun color combo for the holidays? I love the addition of purple and blue for the holidays. Santa also bring my kids M&M guys for their stockings, he has since they started getting stockings. I used my Cricut for the doily up in the corner.

And a few of my dwindling stick pin stash to make these fun flags!

I am in the mood for some holiday baking! My to-bake list is overflowing, as usual. I will have to figure out a way to cut it down a little bit. Are you feeling the holiday spirit yet?

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. oh what a great page!!! I love all the elements and your kids are too cute!!!!

  2. Such a fun LO! Your dd is soooo cute! Your DS is too, but she looks like a little firecracker, reminds me of mine :) Thanks for always coming to visit me too...seeing your comments always bring a big smile to me!

  3. oh so cute! although i've bought a few gifts,made a few cards, i am not in the holiday spirit and refuse to be until after thanksgiving ;) although i should get with it as i never did scrap photos from last years' chrismtas... i don't think? anyhow... WONDERFUL fun page- i love the non traditional colors! :)

  4. Look at those adorable photos. Love the buttons too. :)

  5. I always have a bit of trouble getting into the spirit in the beginning but those cute, overjoyed faces remind me of how mine look on Christmas day and that makes me want to get into the spirit. Love the non traditional color combo :)

  6. This is so cute! You always do such darling layouts and cards!

  7. Now that's an interesting Christmas color combo... I LOVE non-traditional Christmas colors!
    Great layout, Mara! I love reading about your Christmas tradition!

  8. I LOVE it Mara!!! We get those same M & Ms.. must be GOOD KIDS all the way around! ;)
    I hear ya my baking list has QUADRUPLED with pinterest now.. and sadly it was HUGE before.. so I need to get it figured out! BUT what to take off! :)
    Hope your day is GREAT!

  9. fabulous lo and design chickie! i'm so lovin your color choice..for christmas! yummy! and what a perfect title! love it!

  10. This is so cute! I love those adorable photos and the little stickpin flag are awesome!
