
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gift Card Holder

Hi Everyone!! THANK YOU to all the well wishes I received about my surgery. I survived my ankle surgery and it wasn't all that bad.  It was first thing in the morning and I was home by 1pm. I did wish that I could have brought my camera into the operating room. That room was pretty awesome. There were huge TV monitors all over and all sorts of crazy equipment. And along one side of the room was this super long table that was organized with all sorts of scissors and knives and doohickeys and thingamajigs to use for the surgery. I wanted to take photos so badly! Yes, i'm a crazy scrapbooker. Rumor has it my doctor has some photos of the surgery and I think I want to see them. I think that might make me crazy for sure.

So onto prettier things, like this gift card holder. I used the Blue Hills Meadow December kit from Citrus Tree Studio to make this aqua, red, and white inspired project.

I glued two pieces of cardstock together to make the base of the holder. I then embellished with the December kit. I love love love this snowflake cut from my Accents Essentials Cricut cartridge! I dressed it up with some stickles, a button and baker's twine.

I also added this tag along with more yummy baker's twine.

The cardstock insert inside is just wide enough to hold a gift card. I attached the gift card with a little bit of adhesive and the insert pulls right out.

I love having gift card holders already made and ready to go. Because inevitably I will need one at the last minute and now I have one I can just grab and go. I love being ahead of the game!

Hope you all had a great week. I will be spending my weekend with my foot propped up, trying to find pain meds that work, and doing some online shopping with my husband's laptop on the couch. Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. so happy the surgery went well- seems like you're feeling pretty good? hope so! please include a warning after you get said photos and scrap them and post them here. LOL! your gc holder is awesome! i love those colors together; in fact, i'm wearing them right now. hee hee. :)

  2. Glad everything went well. Hugs to ya. Love your fabulous gift card holder. I love the sparkle and shine & the twine. :)

  3. Good for you (and glad to hear that all went well!) I like this idea!

  4. I'm glad the surgery went well!
    Red and aqua is my favorite color combo this Christmas! I'm LOVING that snowflake!
    Quick recovery wishes to you, Mara! I love the card!

  5. So glad the surgery went well. I love this idea.

  6. Glad you are doing well and the surgery went well!
    Love this gift card set very pretty!!
    Love the snowflakes & twine!!

  7. wow ~ absolutely beautiful gift card mara ~ i'm so lovin those colors scrumptious!

    wishing you a speedy recovery chickie ~ big huge cyber hugs sent your way! xoxo

  8. Hi Mara! SO glad your surgery is over and your are on the road to recovery! enjoy your time off - hopefully you'll fell well enough to enjoy it as you heal!

    what a pretty gift card holder - love the colors and wonderful snowflake - and the reindeer cookies on the post below are just great! what a fun project for kids!! (and adults!!)

  9. Hi Mara!! Always so much Yumminess ( is that a word?) on your blog... This gift card Holder is so cute...I love the snowflake WOW!!

  10. Wow Mara, this is FABULOUS!! I love the colors and the snowflake is gorgeous!

  11. hope you a re feeling better and taking time to heal up!!!! LOVE the card/gift holder, the colors are stunning and LOVE the layered snowflake!!!!

  12. Glad to hear your surgery went well. Great gift card holder. Love all the different elements especially the colors. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. I LOVE this Mara!!!! and well you know what I am gonna say about that snowflake dont ya! :) Happy Holidays!
