
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Morning After

Hi Everyone! If you celebrated Christmas yesterday, I hope it was a wonderful day with friends, family, and lots of goodies to eat. I didn't get as many photos as I wanted. It's hard to crutch around with the camera to get just the right shot. But I did get a few. I didn't want 2011 to go down as the year with no photos.

The day before Christmas...sitting on my butt, watching football while my kids go absolutely crazy!!

Christmas morning...Santa always leaves M&M guys in the kids stockings and this year he left stockings in their stockings!

My son turns 10 today and for his birthday and christmas (I hate to combine birthday/christmas gifts, but this was a big one) we got him an iPod touch. He was thrilled!! Poor kid has some road rash on his chin from an ice skating fall 2 days ago.

And Miss Kayla got an ipod shuffle that she absolutely loves. Here she is getting an ear bud lesson from dad. Note she is already wearing a new shirt and new flower headband.

My sweet kids! Yes, I am holding myself up on the wall. Not easy to pose on one leg without my crutches. Aren't their smiles precious...ha ha! Cal Berkley shirt thanks to my oldest brother and his wife who are Cal Alumni.

Playing Just Dance! When their cousin came, all three of them were rocking out.

And here they are with their cousin. Remember those invisible ink games and activity pads from long ago? My husband found them and they all played with those for quite a while.

And lots more presents, family, drinks, good food and Just Dance games. I have to say a HUGE thank you to my sweet husband. He did everything yesterday from cleaning the kitchen, making the turkey, getting the house ready for family, and cleaning up after. He has been pretty amazing this whole time i've been off my feet. I'm a lucky girl!

Hope you had a great holiday weekend. I will be back soon with some REALLY exciting news! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. oh man! first of all, that is one crazy brace you are sporting! and thanks for sharing this cute little peek into your day :) my daughter was wearing a new necklace every hour, it seemed! and we had a little "just dance" action over here too - hilarious to watch!

  2. It looks like you had a Merry Christmas except for the foot. I see you still like to tease as well.

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!

  4. Hope you all had a wonderful and very Merry Christmas! I had to laugh at the excitement level the day before--my kids were NUTS all week long before Christmas! Now we are ALL wiped ;) Hope your ankle is feeling better!

  5. GOrgeous photos Mara, merry belated CHristmas!

  6. Great pictures, Mara! Looks like you had a wonderful day! Merry Christmas!

  7. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Great pictures! LOVE Kayla's head band! :-) In case I don't stop by again soon, I hope you have a wonderful New Years too!

  8. What fun pictures!!
    Love the one with you and the kids beautiful!!
    Dh and dd are electronic lovers here too!
    DD and dh together received the new tablet a 10 inch so she could play games and watch movies on it when we travel. we have a dvd player in the car but dh wanted her to have a bigger screen.
    Glad all of you had a very blessed Christmas!!

  9. Looks like you had an amazing Christmas even with only one leg! Hope you are healing and able to take it easy!
