
Monday, January 23, 2012

Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake

Since I was confined to crutches all of December and much of January, I haven't been baking. No holiday baking, no Christmas cookies, no homeade garlic rolls...nothing in the kitchen department. And boy, have I missed it. This past week I have been trying to get around more without the crutches and thought it would be a good time to try out some easy recipes in the kitchen. My husband came home with fresh blueberries from the market this week (huh?? fresh blueberries in January??) and I figured it was now or never to bake something tasty. Enter the Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast cake...

I made this for my kids as a special breakfast treat. It does taste amazingly like cake and won't become an everyday indulgence. But it was delicious and appreciated by my kiddos!

I ended up using frozen blueberries because my kids ate the fresh ones so fast I couldn't get my hands on them. And I didn't have buttermilk. So I made my own. You add 1 tbsp vinegar to a 1 cup measuring cup. Then add milk to reach 1 cup. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and use that as a substitute for the buttermilk. My kids have already requested this again for breakfast so I think it was a hit.

Here is where I found the recipe: Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake

Expect to see more baked goods in the future! I think my baking days are baaaack!!!


  1. So, one day you stamp a cupcake, and the next day you bake a cake? I see a fabby trend here, and a so glad I discovered your blog. It's going to be delicious, I think. Your cake looks so yummy--glad your kids liked it. I am in Cardiff, which is North Coastal San Diego. So, in PTI terms, we are neighbors.

  2. Oh yum! My DD would love this. She too eats the fresh blueberries before I can use them. I bought 2 packages the other day and they were gone in a flash--she sits and eats them by the fistfuls!

  3. Mara this looks and sounds FABULOUS!!! I am gonna make it this weekend .. I had hoped to last weekend but I didnt!
    Hope your feeling better! Glad your baking days are back! :)
    Have a GREAT day!

  4. THIS LOOKS AMAZING!!! Might be my baking project on Friday with the Daycare kiddos!

  5. Yummy Mara! EVERYTIME I visit your blog I leave craving sweets! :)

  6. It's great to see you up and baking again! I missed all your yummy treats!
    I've heard that you can make your own buttermilk, but I never tried it before. Nice to know it works :oD
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. WOW!! That looks so delicious!!
    I need to try this one day!!

  8. sooo i just found your blog from the blog of a friend of a that? anyway your name is mara and my name is mara and you don't see that every day and i thought it was neat! so yeah. i'll be stopping in again soon, i'm sure :) have a good one!

  9. OK! WOW! This looks super yummy! Must give this a try! TFS!

  10. I made this yesterday and it was AWESOME! and definitely not on my diet, LOL
