
Friday, January 20, 2012

CAS-ual Friday challenge #36

Happy Friday! Today I decided to play along with CAS-ual Friday's challenge. And it was a fun one!

The project has to be black and white...and nothing else! This is all because tomorrow is penguin awareness day. Who knew? Here's my clean and simple, black and white card...

Both stamps are from Papertrey Ink. I love that oval background stamp. And somebody needs to tell me to STEP AWAY from the baker's twine. I just got a bunch of new colors from The Twinery and that's all I use right now!!!

And a black button and some black pearls to round out the card. 

Hope you have something awesome planned for this weekend. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, my son has basketball pictures, my good girlfriend is having a 40th birthday party Saturday night and the NINERS play football on Sunday! It's going to be a good weekend!

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. WOW! I LOVE the black and white twine! I MUST get some.... Twinery, huh? I'm going to google them. Another beautiful card, Mara!

    I was hosting the running club run tomorrow. I just cancelled the run. No sense having everyone drive down here just to run in the rain. They can run in the rain at home and be that much closer to a hot shower afterwards. hehe.

    Have a great weekend, Mara!

  2. an absolutely beautiful card mara-keep the twine coming, you create such great things with it!!!!


  3. gosh gosh gosh this is just sooo lovely Mara!

  4. LOVE this! The twine, the buttons, the strip of background pattern... awesome!

  5. this really is a "wow" card. the b&w is awesome- i just love the stamps you used. :)

  6. Wow! I love the black and white....don't get rid of your twine- it is awesome! Great job!

  7. Really cool card! I love the texture of the twine with the background pattern. Glad you played with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  8. LOVE IT!!! I so want that twine... never step away from the twine, you rock it,every time!

  9. Hi Mara - this card is just lovely. Black and white is just so classy. I love how you add textures either by ink/print, or by embellies.

  10. This is just so classy and stunning!

  11. Clever & classy! Love the buttons & twine!

  12. Great card Mara! Love the twine. The flower button and pearls are the perfect compliment to that sentiment.

  13. Great card! I'm impressed with how many embellishments you managed to use while still keeping it CAS! I love the black and white twine, too.

  14. Beautiful card- love that oval BG and all the little details here!

  15. So pretty--I love the B&W and your stamping is superb as always. Have a great weekend!

  16. Beautiful - love the stamps you used!

  17. Gorgeous card!!
    Love the color combo, the stamp and the cluster of embellishments!!
    We did some girly shopping today and Sunday I plan on having a relaxing day and taking dd to the park.

  18. This is absolutely stunning. And, keep up with the twine. I love that stuff. I am wondering which background stamp you used? Is it PTI? Such a great job on this challenge. (P.S.--You don't happen to live in So. Cal, do you?)

  19. Awesome card!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  20. Mara I LOVE it!! The BW combo is PERFECT! and YEAH for bakers twine.. I LOVE mine! ;)
    Have a GREAT day!

  21. Love that graphic pattern stamp and the design is fab :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  22. Love this CAS design! Thank you so much for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays.
