
Monday, February 20, 2012

Card Kit Club

I am lucky enough to be in a really fun card kit club with 3 other scrappy blogging friends. This month it was my turn to put together a kit and send it out. It was harder than I thought it would be!! But today is the big card reveal and I can't wait to see everybody's cards. Here are mine...

I included three different stamps from the PSA Essentials Happy Hour stamp set. I matted it and added it to an embellished tag for my main focal point. Isn't she cute? And happy after that glass of wine?

And I used some scraps to make a second card. I have been seeing this design everywhere...the 4 squares together with rounded corners (there has got to be a more official name for this design, anyone??) and wanted to try it out myself.

And next time I will tuck in that hanging piece of twine, ha ha!! I can't wait to see what all my scrappy friends came up with. Go visit their blogs and leave them some love...


Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Love that paper and I love your cards!

  2. Mara, Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for the WONDERFUL kit! I had a great time working with all the bright and beautiful colors!

    You and I picked the same stamp girl to work with, AND I was looking for a "Cheers to You" sentiment. I couldn't fine one I settled for "Girly You Rock."

    I ADORE the "the 4 squares together with rounded corners." I've never seen that done before! It's such a cute design! And I love hove you bling'd those butter flies!

    I have the paper picked out for next month's kit and I'm finding it harder than I thought to figure out what to add with them, lol!

    I can't remember if you have the day off or not. If you do, enjoy your day off... if not, I hope you have a good day at work!

  3. Looks like you are doing something like my group's Four of a Kind. Isn't it the most fun ever--you did a great job with your kit, and made two super fun cards. I'm just getting ready to send my kits out, as I am the March hostess for my group. Off to check out the rest of your group.

  4. Mara I LOVED the Kit! THANK YOU!! Those girls just make me SMILE and cant wait to use my others!!!!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your cards!!
    I on the other hand did have a cheers to you stamp! ;) I guess we girls were all on the same page! :)
    THANKS again!!!! Have a GREAT day!

  5. Mara! I too loved the kit. It was so much fun and cheery to work with that it made my day!!! Love your cards! Thanks again for allowing me to play along!

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  8. What a fun idea to have a card club! Love those butterflies!

  9. These are delightful Mara, I especially love that second one with the square blocks!

  10. Love your cards, they are so cheerful they'd make anybody happy!

  11. awesome! perhaps a new side business for you: card kits! :) love your cards, esp. the cheers to you! FUN!

  12. What a fun kit. All your projects are great.

  13. that's awesome chickie ~ a card kit club with friends! and wow..what yummy cards they are!

  14. What a fantastic idea to form a card kit club!!! LOVE what you did with the card kit too! SUPER CUTE cards!! Love your style Mara!

  15. Pretty cards!!
    Love them both!!
    Sounds like a fun card kit club!!

  16. what a fun idea! love the kit you made and your cards of course!
