
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Homemade Twix Bars

These bars have been on my to-bake list for a while. Thankfully they also were on the to-bake list of one of my baking buddies so at our last 'baking night' we tackled these together.

These have a shortbread-like bottom, a thick caramel layer, and a beautiful chocolate layer on top. They are a bit different from Twix bars, because they are not all the way dipped in chocolate. But we were okay with that.

These were so good with that thick layer of caramel!! I am glad we finally tackled this recipe, it's definitely a keeper. Make a pan of these for your Memorial Day Weekend, you won't be disappointed. 

Please go here to find the recipe: Homemade Twix Bars.

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Those look amazing. I just checked out the recipe, and now I can see why they look so good. I'm putting these on my bucket list.

  2. YUMMY...those look good...i will be right over...hehehe :)

  3. Twix is one of my faves! They look delish!!!

  4. Twix are my favorites! Those look delicious! I don't think I will try them as they look like a recipe that I will end up eating 3/4 of the batch by myself! haha! I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

  5. I'm drooling just looking at them!
    YUM! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  6. Wow! They look rich and delicious!!
    Hope you have a wondefrul Memorial day weekend!!

  7. yummy treats Mara! I may as well slap 5 pounds on my hips! Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  8. oh my gosh... seriously yum!!! Those sooo look good, gotta try those soon!!!

  9. ooooh yeah--just pinned that one ;)

  10. Ummm I think I may have licked the screen. These look so good!
