
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Raspberry Lemontini

Hi Everyone!! I hope you are having a great weekend. Mine has been full of sun, family, friends, and some pretty amazing martinis. And I'm sharing the martini recipe today because it really is the best martini recipe I have ever tried. Here are the main players...

Combine 1 cup of sugar with 6 oz of fresh raspberries. Heat in a saucepan over medium heat until the berries dissolve and liquify, stirring frequently. Pass the liquid through a fine mesh sieve to remove all the seeds. You end up with this beautiful raspberry simple sugar.

I used 12 oz of raspberries and got back just about 12 oz of simple syrup. This can be used to make about 5 martinis. Here's how you put together 1 martini:

-Fill a martini shaker to the top with ice.

-Into the shaker add...

2 oz vodka
1.5 oz triple sec
1.5 oz raspberry simple syrup
the juice of 1 lemon (~ 1 oz lemon juice)

Shake, shake, shake! Wet the rim of the martini glass using a lemon wedge, then add fine sugar to the rim. Pour your shaken martini into your sugared glass. Enjoy!!

I loved this martini. It was just enough sweet and just enough sour and just pretty amazing. I bet it would be delicious with other types of berries as well. I can't wait to experiment more!

Thanks for stopping by today!! Cheers!


  1. Mara sounds like such a yummy summer drink. Recipe bookmarked--thanks for sharing.

  2. Girl that looks come I was not :)

  3. Now that's what I'm talking about Mara! :) Happy Memorial Day!

  4. Oh, YUM! May have to try this soon! My hubs made some amazing limey martinis ovetr the weekend... I foresee a drinking problem starting if these taste as good ;)

  5. UM YUM!! I thinks I be needing one of those cuties about now! :) Well it is 11am.. it is ok right.. it is berries.. we can call it a SMOOTHIE since it isnt noon yet! ;) ha!
    Must print this recipe.. sounds to GOOD not to TRY!!
    have a GREAT day Mara!
