
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Watermelon Rice Krispy Treats

Summertime means certain things around here...pool time, going to the beach, fruity cocktails, fresh strawberries, tomatoes from the garden, and watermelon. We love watermelon around here, it's a fruit we all can agree on. A few weeks ago I ran across a different kind of watermelon and just had to try it.

Watermelon rice krispy treats...aren't these the cutest ever??!! I found this idea at the Glorious Treats food blog and knew I had to make it. You make two separate batches and tint one red/pink and one green (please see her blog post for exact measurements). Using a round cake pan, make one ring of green for the rind.

Then press the batch of pink rice krispies into the middle of the ring to create the watermelon look.

I used mini chocolate chips for the seeds (only because I couldn't find the chocolate covered sunflower seeds she suggests using...where do you find those things???).

I lined them all up on a cookie sheet to take with me to a summer party. They were a big hit!

Please go to the Glorious Treats blog for the official recipe: Watermelon Krispy Treats.
But be prepared...She has so many great baking ideas, you might end up getting lost in her blog for a while. Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. So cute. I have found choc coated sunflower seeds at Trader Joes and Joanne's.

  2. Oh my goodness, cutest and yummiest things ever!! My kids would love these:)

  3. These are just TOO CUTE! I found some chocolate covered sunflower seeds at Michael's, and at World Market too.

  4. How fun! My kids would get a kick out of these!

  5. I can always count on you to showcase fabulous treats! I LOVE these - can't wait to give them a try!

  6. oh my gosh how dang cute and clever!!!

  7. OMG! How fun and creative these treats are!!
    I'm sure the kids love them they do look very yummy!!

  8. so cute and delicious looking :)

  9. What a cute, cute summertime treat! love this Mara!! I always get in food trouble when I come over here!!!

  10. How fun and yummy! My dd is allergic to sunflower seeds, so the mini chocolate chips are a great idea!
