
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BombPop Cocktail

Who remembers Bomb Pop popsicles?? When I was little, they could only be found at the ice cream man truck and I do remember enjoying a few of them back in the day. I'm sure you can still buy them now, but I've got a better, grown-up version for you to enjoy.

See all the pretty layers? There is blue, red, and white...just like a Bomb Pop. Here is how you  make it.

1. Fill a tall glass or jar with ice.
2. Start with UV Blue Raspberry Vodka. Pour in 1-2 shots. Pour the liquid down the side of the jar as not to upset the ice.
3. Layer cranberry juice on top of the blue vodka. Pour the juice slowly down the side of the jar.
4. Layer lemonade on top.
5. Enjoy!!

This is a fun drink to enjoy at the pool or out on your back porch...or on Memorial Day or 4th of July or any summer day that you wish!

Thanks for stopping by today!!


  1. Sounds so good. We didn't want our lemons to go to waste so we have been enjoying real fresh lemon drop martinis ! :)
    Beautiful looking drink.

  2. Sounds like a yummy drink. It looks so beautiful in that jar. Great idea!

  3. YUM YUM!! I LOVE layered drinks.. they are so PURTY to look at.. and drink of course! ;)
    Hope your day is GREAT Mara!

  4. That sounds & looks really good!!
    I have never tried the grown up version-LOL!
    I remember the ones when we were young, our dd loves them!

  5. oh YUM that looks and sounds delish!

  6. What a fun (yummy!!!) colorful drink idea Mara! (I remember those popsicles but never had one - and forgot that was their name!) This would be a fun drink to serve at a party! have a great weekend!

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