
Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm back!!!

Hi Everyone! How has your August been??? We got back from vacation this last weekend. We spent 9 days in Maine visiting my sister and her family. I met my new nephew who is now 2 months old and played with my twin nieces, who are 2 1/2. It was a wonderful trip with great company and great weather. We even witnessed a crazy east coast thunder and lightening storm. That was pretty cool!

Here are some pics from the week...

My nephew Zealand...

My nieces Molly and Harbour...

Catching lobster on a Maine lobster boat...

Playing at Highland Lake...

Getting photos with all the cousins!!

We had such a great time!!! But now it's back to reality. My kids last day of summer camp is tomorrow and they start school on Wednesday. We also now have soccer season in full swing and my daughter starts her fall dance classes next week. It's about to get all busy up in here!

I hope you've all had a great August. I am looking forward to some blog surfing this week and getting back into the swing of things. Thanks for stopping by today!!


  1. Super fun photos. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. what a cool fun trip!!! btw LOVE the name Zealand!!! I love cousin time

  3. Mara sounds like you had a fabulous trip. Thanks for sharing the photos of all those good looking kids.

  4. YOUR PICTURES ARE FANTASTIC!!! It looks like you and your family had a wonderful time!

  5. what a fabulous time and photos to prove it :)

  6. Wow! looks like you all had a perfect Maine summer vacation!

  7. Loooooove all the pics you got!!!! We miss you guys so much :)

  8. BEautiful photos! Fortunately we dont start soccer until the end of september since it is still well over 100 here, but I do feel your pain--it does suddenly get SO busy!
