
Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm running...running...running...

So, I officially joined Ventura Roadrunners this weekend. I have a couple of friends from work that recently joined and we are all training for the Los Angeles Marathon in March 2008. I've been following the training program, but officially joined yesterday. Gotta love the free t-shirt! Yesterday was 10 miles. Not too bad, we run along the beach every Saturday morning. It was gorgeous, lots of waves and surfers and blue sky. You could see all the way to the Channel Islands, it was so pretty. Did well with the 10 miles. Around mile 8, got a knot in my left quad, but ran through it and finished with no problems.

The foam roller is my best friend. This is a big roll of foam, looks suspiciously like a swimming pool noodle except it's about 5X the diameter. And while it's called foam, it's pretty much hard as a rock. I roll around on that thing after every run. Put all my weight on my hip or quad or hamstring on that foam roller and give it a good roll. Hurts like crazy at first, then it kinda hurts so good...know what I mean??? The $20 bucks I spent on that is the best $$$ i've ever spent. I don't have any hip pain anymore when I run, no muscle soreness, nothing. It's frickin' awesome!!

So, here's to running or walking or swimming or biking or whatever gets you outside and active!
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  1. your blog hasn't exploded yet...WHOOHOO!!!
    blog on girl! ;)

  2. Way to GO on the 10 miles!!! I gotta google that foam thing you mentioned~ my mom may need that ~ she is a tri-athlete and I am sure it would help her too!!!! :)
    Have a GREAT day Mara!
    Talk to you soon~

  3. WAY TO GO! I would love to see a pic of that foam roller thing.

  4. Great blog Mara! Guess what? You've been tagged! Stop by my blog for all the details!
