
Monday, October 1, 2007

My Baby is 4!!!

Wow, how time flies. My sweet baby girl turned 4 last Friday. It wasn't that long ago that we were bringing her home from the hospital. She would scream and cry and scream and not sleep and eat for 5 minutes, then fall asleep, the wake up screaming again. Ah, babies. Aren't they lovely??? Well, she's stopped all that screaming, but she has retained her feisty attitude that we all love!

Her birthday was fun. Dad and her decorated a Hello Kitty cake and it was a smashing success!!

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She opened presents and the best one was saved for last. She and her brother love the Backyardigans. Wait, they are massively obsessed with the Backyardigans is more like it. So, we got her the little stuffed dolls of all the characters. She was super excited to open Uniqua!!

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Her and Kevin fought over which ones they were going to sleep with. But here she is with her favorites AND wearing her new 'shoes with holes' sent to her from her loving Baki!!

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She desperately wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese's for her birthday. And since that place gives me a massive migrane and makes me want to become a hermit in the hills of Chatsworth, we decided to just invite family and go early early early on a Sunday morning. It was perfect! Nobody in the place but us for the first 30 minutes. Yeah!!! The kids loved it. Kayla loved playing everything, throwing skeeballs like they were baseballs,

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collecting tickets, and playing with her two cousins, who are both 4. Those girls are so cute together, I just wanted to eat them all up with a spoon!!!

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And eat we did!!! A trip to Cold Stone Creamery was in order. Kayla ordered chocolate ice cream with M&M's. That's my girl, chocolate with a little more chocolate mixed in!!

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We relaxed in the beautiful sun and I gently forced the kids to sit prettily in front of the fountain. I love this photo that resulted!! I hope these cousins stay friends forever!!!

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We had a great weekend, celebrating birthdays and family and friends. Thank you, Kayla girl, for being such a joy in our lives!!!!!


  1. OH looks like a FUN day!! Kayla has BEAUTIFUL hair!! LOVE the cousin photo!!! THANKS for the update on the blog!! :)
    Have a GREAT day!
    (who is PURPOSELY stalling online and ignoring the cleaning I have! HA HA!)

  2. Awwww. She is beautiful! Looks like it was a great day!

  3. Looked like a lot of fun! The Hello Kitty cake is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a beautiful 4 yr old! They do grow fast Mara!!!

    Her cake ROCKS...and Dad deocrated it??!!!!?? How cool! She is adorable with her Backyardigans!! HAPPY BDAY KAYLA!!!
