
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Come Swim with the Teddys!!!

I've been tossing this idea around for a bit. I saw this idea on my favorite foodie blog Bakerella and just had to try it!! We are going to see family this week, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make some cute little swimming teddy bear cupcakes. I gathered up the ingredients. The most important one is the helper!!!

I cheated tonight and used canned frosting. Doesn't taste the same as homeade buttercream, but it's super easy to work with, tint, and spread. And easy was what I was looking for!! We also needed Teddy Grahams with 2 arms in tact. Kayla lined them up for me.

I used premade red frosting to make little bikinis and board shorts on the teddys. My little helper wanted to try too. She was determined to do it, it was a bit tough squeezing out the frosting. But don't tell her that.

We are ready for assembly!! We have freshly made cupcakes, floaties (gummi O's), sprinkles, and dressed bears. Let's go swimming!!

Steady hands and the ability to keep the frosting/sprinkle covered fingers out of the mouth is KEY!!

Now we have a nice group of floating, swimming teddys. Don't mind that their swimsuits have gotten squished in the process of shoving them into their floaties. It's a learning experience!!

Thanks for stopping by!!! Grab a cupcake if you can before they are gone...


  1. Mara those turned out SUPER DUPER cute!! They look YUMMY! I gotta add this to my list too~ I was gonna do them wihtout suits.. but they look to cute with them! LOL! I am on my way over... :) Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!

  2. OMGosh! Are those the cutest, ever? You should start a cake business on the side! I love your cakes and cupcakes. I bet they're yummy too!!!

  3. Cute cupcakes! Those look absolutely delightful and now I want to go make some!

  4. How cute are those cupcakes!!! LOL love'em!

  5. That is soooo fun!! Love the bikinis!! They look so yummy!!

  6. Sarah ate my cupcake and hers on the ride home. :(
