
Friday, August 1, 2008

My Final Cake

So, I decorated my final cake for my cake class. I had so much fun and really did learn alot. I am a visual person, so seeing our teacher do some of the techniques was all I needed to get me started. It was well worth the $17 it cost for the class!! Here's my cake, everything handmade. I'm still getting the hang of frosting the cake super smooth before decorating, but I like how it turned out. I have BIG plans for my daughter's birthday party in September!!

My favorite technique by far is the shell border around the bottom and top rim of the cake. It really gives it that professional finishing touch. So remember, if you need a cake in the near future, i'm your girl!! You can pay me in scrappy supplies!!! Or a nice raspberry lemondrop martini would be good too...


  1. I took a cake decorating class one time and I will always remembering how much fun that was! You have made me very hungry now for something SWEET!!!

  2. Beautiful!!! I would LOVE to learn how to do that!! I abso-fricken-lotely love your cards that are in the below posts! ADORABLE!! I have TOTALLY enjoyed scrapping with you the last 4 weeks over at Scrapdango! Love your work and wish you the best of luck!

  3. Wow Mara! I'm totally impressed! That cake is gorgeous--like you could sell those bad boys! awesome job!

  4. Mara... I LOVE the cake girl!! I will be bringing some raspberry lemondrop martini supplies.. you mae the cake! LOL!!! So CUTE! and HELLOO girl I LOVE the cards! and the Layouts are to FAB! I am sooo gonna go check out the sites you shared! (so glad I already cleaned toilets now I can PLAY! LOL!!!! ) Happy Cupcake making tonite! Remember I wanna see!!!
    Sorry for the novel comment! LOL!!

  5. So neat. My mom decorates cakes as a little side job. She really enjoys it. I don't have the patience...I tried once and realized it's MUCH harder than it looks!

    Also, those cupcakes are just adorable!

  6. So so so glad I asked about seeing cupcakes because yours are ADORABLE, Mara :) Great job!
