
Monday, August 3, 2009

Photoshop Fun!

So, I finally broke down and bought Photoshop Elements. It was on sale at Costco, plus had a mail in rebate so I got it at a great price. It was very frustrating at first. It didn't come with any sort of instruction manual and it's not easy. But my GF, who is a total whiz with photoshop, gave me a few lessons. And now i'm off and running!! The first thing she showed me is how to color spot. Pretty easy, actually!!

Here's the original...NOT the greatest photo of Kayla (she's totally squinting!!)...

I thought it would be cute to color spot her butterflies!

Here's another photo of my husband and son at the Dodger game. I love Dodger of my favorite shades of blue!

So I thought I would just highlight their blue hats!

Fun, fun fun!! Now i'm color spotting everything! Hee hee! I will have some more Color Me Daisy layouts to share with you tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. I also have PSE but only use it to enhance my photos for my blog. Thought I would get into digi scrapping but I much prefer 'real' papercrafting. Hope you have fun using it.

  2. Great job with the PSE! Isn't it fun? I'm taking another PSE class all about brushes. I thought I knew brushes pretty well, but after one day I learned two new things! I look forward to seeing your layouts! That's such a cute kit!

  3. LOVE these Mara... Great job! I gotta work with my 7.. I couldnt get it so I keep using 4! LOL!!
    have a GREAT day!

  4. Those photos are so fun! I just learned how to do this and it's addicting!
