
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Andes Mint Brownies

One of the things I love most about my bunco group (other than the great girls and laughs and escape from the real world 1 night a month) is I have an excuse to bake. Because I love to bake, but don't love to eat it ALL and then lament the fact my pants don't fit anymore. And I like to share. I learned that in preschool. SO when a girlfriend in my bunco group mentioned she loved andes mints, it was almost fate when I ran across this blog post, andes mint brownies. I knew I had to make them for bunco!

I love chocolate and mint, so it wasn't that much of a stretch to try this recipe. And these were delicious. See the little andes mint chunks?

The only thing I might do differently next time is add more andes mints! The recipe was for a frosting-less brownie, but they looked a bit plain to me. So I whipped up this chocolate frosting (from my trusty Joy of Cooking cookbook):

6 oz unsweetened chocolate, broken into pieces
1 cup evaporated milk or heavy cream

-Bring milk/cream to a boil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and add chocolate pieces. Cover and set aside for 10 minutes. Scrape into a food processor or blender and add:

1 1/2 cups sugar
6 tablespoons butter, cut into pieces
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 tsp peppermint extract (to taste)

Process until smooth. Let it cool a bit to desired spreading consistency. Slap the whole shebang on the brownies! I put them in the fridge before cutting into bars. This frosting seriously rocked and added another layer of minty goodness to the brownies.

Such a good recipe, this is definitely a keeper!! Do you have a favorite brownie recipe? Because i'm always up for trying a new one. Please share if you do...hope you are having a good week so far. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! THAT IS BEAUTIFUL! I'm not much for bunco but if I come back to LA I'm crashing your game to get treats.

  2. hey mara! This looks seriously yummy!

  3. ok I gotta make those.. Andes and Brownies!!! YUM!!!!

  4. Oh goodness!!! I tried licking the screen, but I am sure it wasn't the same at all. These look delicious.

  5. Wowzers, those look so yummy! Mint and doesn't get much better!

  6. Yummy! Chocolate and mint one of my very favorite combos, I don't think you could go wrong with it! I'm so glad you came to see my at my family blog....I fixed all the settings now, shouldn't be annoying to leave comments and such now:) Hugs....

  7. Yum, I would love these! I love andes mints, and I love frosted brownies:) Good idea to share!

  8. I bet your group loves when YOU bring a treat!! :) Those look delicious!

  9. YUM!!! I'm SO making these when I get home!!

  10. I think you might be right that these would be awesome with frosting - I love that idea!
