
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Camp Paradise has begun!

Happy Thursday everyone! Today is the first day of Camp Paradise over at Croppin' Paradise. A whole bunch of new challenges are posted today for week 1 of camp. Come on over and see what is going on and play to earn some badges and great prizes.

My first challenge is a Campfire Challenge. You know that everything tastes better over an open flame. And one of our favorite meals is Campfire Potatoes. For this challenge you are going to make your own version of Campfire Potatoes using this recipe:

-use cardstock for your layout base
-use at least 3 different embellishments, one MUST be bling!
-include 2 handmade flowers on the layout

Here is my example:

I used the Garden Variety papers from Cosmo Cricket (which are ON SALE right now!!). I handmade 2 lollipop flowers, added buttons, twine, and stick pins.

And of course...a banner!

I love this photo, it's of all my siblings and my mom. It isn't often that we are all together. I love it so much, this is the 2nd time i've scrapped it!

So come on over to the Croppin' Paradise message board and join in on all the camping fun!! Thanks for stopping by today...


  1. What a fun LO! Those paper are perfect, love the pics is precious:) Oh, and I {heart} your banner;)

  2. WHOA. Who's the tall blue-shirted person in those photos? They appear to be the tallest of the family...WOW! HOW ARE THEY SO MUCH TALLER THAN EVERYONE ELSE!??!?!?!?!

  3. What a darling page Mara! Love the banner & your family photos are the best of all!

  4. Darling page -- fun circle embellies and LOVE the banner!

  5. So sweet. Love the lollipop flowers and pennant.

  6. LOVE it Mara.. such a wonderful LO, and photo!! (yeah for scrapping it twice!)
    Will try to pop over to croppin paradise!

  7. Awesome LO Mara! I love your little pennet!
