
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Crop Suey May Challenge

It's time for a little Song and Dance!! That's the challenge this month at Crop Suey...get your groove on by using either a song or some lyrics or scrap some pics of you dancing, or at a decide how you get your groove on!

Here is my layout. This is a photo of me and my longtime BFF all ready for her 40th birthday disco party. I was rocking that afro wig!!

I had fun with the title and that big flower...

I also found my stash of stick pins and used some baker's twine. Shocker!!

So if you are ready to get your groove on over to Crop Suey and show us what you've got!!


  1. LOL! Now that is a fashion statement! What a FUN layout, Mara!
    BTW, I finally got myself some bakers twine! I can't wait for it to arrive!!!

  2. What a fun & beautiful LO!!
    Love your wig!!
    Looks like a great time and a lot of laughs!!
    Hope you have a fabulous Friday!!

  3. Mara I LOVE it!!! and I must say you look FABULOUS in that wig! ;)
    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  4. Awww, too fun! Love the fun layout -- looks like a great event with lots of laughs and this layout totally captures it

  5. Fun photos! The big flower is perfect for the theme :)
