
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day Cards

Hi Everyone! Happy Wednesday! How's your week going so far? I got the green light from my physical therapist to get back to the gym this week. YEAH!!! The boot is off and I am swimming again. And it's been great. My ankle is not 100% yet but it's getting there. Swimming is some much needed exercise therapy. Not being able to do anything for 7 weeks was tough stuff.

Today I want to share a couple of cards I made for Mother's Day. I used the Vicki B 6x6 paper pad by Bo Bunny. I really like the 6x6 pads for cards.. This first card is 5x5 square, I really love that size for cards.

Yes, i'm still addicted to baker's twine. Expect to see it on every project for the next 8 years. And the stamp is from PSA Essentials.

This next one is not necessarily Mother's Day, but could be for a girlfriend or aunt or neighbor.

Yeah for doily's and baker's twine!!!!!!!!

Hope you are having a great week. It's heating up here...almost 90 degrees today! Bring on the summer!!

Thanks for stopping by today...


  1. Really cute cards! I need to get moving on mine!

  2. Love the bakers twine. I bought my first spool before you could get it in small sample now I have 50 yards to use. But that won't stop me from getting even more colors. Love these cards - can you send on my way 'cause I'm wimping out and sending store bought cards this year (shudder). Beautiful work.

  3. These are beautiful!! I especially love the doilies mixed with flowers. Gorgeous colors!

  4. superb cards!!!!!! guess i have to order some 6 x 6 cards....michaels only has the 4 x 5.5. so happy to hear you have finally connected to the black line. wishing the healing goes well and complete. luv.

  5. These are gorgeous! Love the doilies. All the elements work so well together, Mara.

  6. Love the orange and green together -- Yum!! Glad you get to swim steps!!

  7. Oh Mara, these are both so pretty! And there is nothing wrong with an addiction to Baker's twine!

  8. Yay for the boot off and being able to swim! :-) Such pretty cards! I'm envious of your nice temps!

  9. Both are so pretty! Love the doilies and twine:) Yea for your ankle getting better!

  10. those are both soooo pretty!!!!! love the doilies!!!! and the pretty twine!!

  11. LOVE BOTH of them Mara.. and YEAH for bakers twine and doilies is right! :)
    Happy Friday!

  12. So pretyty! Love the bakers twin and doilies!

  13. So pretty! love the flowers and wrapped twine :)
