
Friday, September 9, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know what you are thinking...enough with the peanut butter and chocolate already!! Well, i'm sorry to say that I cannot stop. I am obsessed with the most wonderful flavor combination in the whole world. And here's another thing I'm obsessed with...

My new coookie scoop!!!

I recently went to a Pampered Chef party and despite the fact the host treated us to the most wonderful cocktails and I seriously forgot what I ordered until the day it arrived, this little gadget made it onto my order sheet. I love this thing. How did I live without it?? Evenly shaped cookies, no finger's genius. And so are these cookies.

It's a classic peanut butter cookie recipe with the addition of chocolate chips. Does it get any better?

I think not, unless you are using your brand new cookie scooper. That makes it a whole lot better.

Please go to the How Sweet It Is blog to see the recipe I followed: Puffy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Happy Friday Everyone!!!


  1. I love peanut butter and keep talking:) I have several sized scoops and use them all the time. The next size up from the one you are using is perfect for muffins and cupcakes!

  2. mmmm those look scrumptious. I've wanted one of those scoops for a long time and never broke down and got one--but now I am convinced--it is a necessary! Have a great weekend!

  3. Nothing worse than a flat cookie - I'm all about soft chewy and puffy. Yum

  4. Wow!! The cookies looks really yummy and I love both of those kind of cookies!!
    Love your new scoop!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Well of course, chocolate makes everything better! :oD
    Comfort food is just what we need for this rainy day!
    I hope you and your family are having a great weekend!

  6. Oh Mara, these cookies look scrumptious!

  7. I have that cookie scoop too:) Peanut butter is a weakness of mine, and your cookies look SO GOOD!
