
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September Citrus Tree Studio

Happy September! Okay...Happy 6th of September! The new kit at Citrus Tree Studios is here and it's a beauty. It's called Annie's Attic and included paper and chipboard from Grant's Studio, Bazzill paper flowers, Pink Paislee alpha stickers and more!

Here is my first layout:

Yes, i'm still scrapping photos from our trip to Maine last summer. I have so many good ones that need scrapping!! I added some paint to the base cardstock using some bubble wrap as a stamper. I also added some inking around the edges and I love the glitter butterflies! I also tried layering some baker's twine behind the flower. What do you think?

Here's one

These were photos from the Sam Adams brewery in Boston. We spent a fun afternoon tasting beers (my kids even got some fun root beers to taste). The best part? We took the train, so no need to worry about driving home.

I hope to have a few more projects using this kit to show you this month. I have sketch challenge going live on the 10th, so check back for a CTS sketch challenge! Thanks for stopping by today...


  1. Love your LO's!!
    Isn't bubble wrap so fun!!
    You rock the bubble wrap technique it looks awesome!!
    Love the twine behind the flower so fun!
    Love the 2nd LO so beautiful!

  2. Mara, GREAT layouts! Your first layout is beautiful. I really LOVE how the pictures tell the story in the second layout! TFS!

  3. Great job with your layouts! I love how your pictures tell your story! Awesome Job!

  4. Adorable pages. Love the photos and the flower & twine. :)

  5. this is lovely especially the first pink and aqua AWESOME!!

  6. Super fun, cute layouts! love the bakers twine!

  7. Great Lo's Mara... You always inspire me to get going on my scrapbooking :)
