
Thursday, October 13, 2011

More Hayrides and Halloween

I have a few more projects from the October Citrus Tree Studios kit, Hayrides and Halloween. I really had fun playing with the mistable ribbon and the October Afternoon Sprinklers mist. I think I finally might like mists!

I took a long strip of the mistable ribbon and started twirling/pleating it in my fingers. Along the way I added dabs of fabric glue. When the ends came together, I had some fun flowers.  I then misted the flowers, added button centers and added them to my page!

I really loved that devil costume my daughter wore last year, so appropriate. LOL!!

And I also made some fun Halloween tags this year with the Add-on stamp set. I loved this little bunny all dressed up!

These will go on our neighborhood Boo Baskets this year! That is something I hope to get done this weekend. My kids love the boo-ing tradition. If you don't know what boo-ing is, check out this. We've done it every year since we moved and it's so much fun.  

I hope you're having a great week so far!! In case I haven't already mentioned it a million times, I am in a card contest...and you can go HERE to vote for me!! Even if you already voted this week, you can vote again.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!


  1. these are adorable! Love the tags and your DD looks so CUTE!

  2. Adorable! She is just the cutest little devil I've ever seen!
    The tags are so CUTE! Be sure to share your Boo Baskets!

  3. fabulous layout and cutest tags! love them both :)

  4. Love your work, Mara!!! The "lil devil" lo is awesome!! Sweet, fun tags too! :)

  5. wow ~ great projects chickie! those are awesome tags! and wowza..that much eye candy! lovin those flowers! beautiful work as always

  6. Your daughter's picture is priceless!
