
Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Goals

Do you make resolutions at the beginning of the year? I don't make resolutions, but I usually have some goals that I want to accomplish. And this year all my goals revolve around my new ankle. I have many many things that I want to do this year with my fitness and running but I dare not say them outloud. Because I have absolutely no idea how my rehab is going to go. So, with that being said, I do have some sayings and quotes that I want to be reminded of as this year and my rehab progresses.

Over at Citrus Tree Studio, one of our crop challenges this past weekend was to create an artistic trading card (ATC) that has our resolutions or goals incorporated. I ended up making 4 ATC's and stringing them together like a mini banner. I plan on putting this someplace I can see it everyday.

Each ATC has a quote that I want to remember as I journey through 2012, in my quest to be fit and healthy again.

I used some embossed cardstock that I sanded, some Jillibean Soup scraps, Jillibean Soup letters and sprouts, and some random flowers I found in my stash.

I strung them all together with some twine from my stash and added some random buttons!

I love how this turned out!! Just little reminders that I can't do it all in one week or even one month. Slow down and take some time to enjoy the journey. I know I sound so much like the Biggest Loser show right now, ha ha!! Which starts a new season this week and I can't wait. Bob Harper is rad!!

Do you make resolutions? Goals? Do you write them down? I hope your 2012 is off to a great start. My kids go back to school tomorrow and our routine/schedule begins again. I think we are all looking forward to it.

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Very creative ATC banner. Happy New Year.

  2. This is a beautiful banner, Mara!! I love the colors, messages and pretty flowers. Also, the sunshine you have there looks incredible!! :) :)

  3. Mara I LOVE this!!! It turned out so CUTE!!!
    How are you feeling?? Wishing you and your sweet family a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  4. i love this! ATCs... what to do with them? you found the perfect way to display them! love it!! happy new year and sending you the best healing wishes to reach your goals. :)

  5. Great project, Mara! I pick a "One Little Word." Every year. It's something for me to focus on.
    Good luck with that ankle!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Mara, pretty banner!!
    Love the colors & flowers!
    Yes I do makea few goals for the new year!!
    I don't usually keep them all I hope to do better this year!!
    Have a blessed week!

  7. Such a pretty banner! I definitely have goals laid out in my head and I am still narrowing down a word for OLW. Getting back into a routine (even with lunches and homework) is VERY welcome after these last 2 weeks!
