
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Holiday Card Album

One of my favorite things about the holiday is getting holiday cards in the mail. I love that so many people send out photo cards, I love seeing how everyone's families grow and change!! When I was laid up, on the couch this past December one of my favorite parts of the day was when my husband went to get the mail. He would come back with a stack of cards everyday and give them to me to open. I loved opening each and every one! So when we cleaned up after the holidays, there is NO way I can throw any of those fabulous cards away. I have seen a couple of different versions of Holiday Card Albums on pinterest. So I decided to whip up my own version.

I had some 12x12 sheets of chipboard that I cut down just a little bit bigger than my biggest card. I cut some Pink Paislee paper to the right size and modpodged it (is that even a verb??) to the chipboard pieces. I then just made a super simple title page.

I punched holes in the chipboard. I lined up each holiday card to those holes and punched holes in each card. I searched around for about 30 minutes looking for jump rings and then attached the whole thing together into a book.

I put our family card on the first page because honestly, I always think i'm going to make a layout using our own holiday card...and I never do. Now it's nice and safe in my album.

I love how it's big and the cards all all different shapes and sized and stick out all funny, but are still contained in the book.

I am so happy to have these all in one place!! I know I have a few previous years of cards stashed someplace. I really need to find them and make books for each year. I know they will be fun to take out over the years and look through them. And it was a fairly easy project. The biggest pain was just punching the holes in all the cards. But well worth it.

Hope you're having a great first week of 2012...thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love your Holiday Card storage! I saw this on Pinterst and thought it was such a great idea! Great job!

  2. This is such a super idea. I love how you all send photo cards to each other overseas. Unfortunately it's not a trend here in SA.

  3. that is a really great idea! you're so clever!

  4. Very cute! I have been wanting to do this too! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. that is sooo cute and fun!!! LOVE LOVE that idea, I totally need to do one, and how quick to make!!

  6. What a great idea! I never know what to do with all the photo cards after displaying them during the holidays!

  7. Mara this is so CUTE! I SOOO want to make one of these.. I have mine all save and WAITING to be made!! hee hee! Need to just DO IT!! :) Hope your feeling GREAT!

  8. Mara, this is such a fabulous & creative idea!! What a great way to keep all of your Christmas cards!!
    Love it!!

  9. What a fun project Mara! Such a treasured keepsake! Love the photos of your family! Great way to showcase that Pink Paislee Snow Day! ;) Happy New Year!

  10. I've been wanting to do this a s well. Each year we pick our favorite "card" but it seems now that almost all our cards are photo ones. What a great way to look back each year. Now the question I go back and do the same with the stacks from the past 3-4 years as well.....yes. I am a borderline hoarder.

  11. OMG LOVEEEE this idea!! I will have to do as well I save them EVERY YEAR and put them in a rubber band.. this is NEAT and so doable!!!

  12. VERY cool idea!! I just pulled all of my cards down off of the shelves.

  13. Love this idea. Wish I had the time to do it. Instead, I'll probably end up doing one of these ideas for transforming holiday cards into games
