
Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Friday!

Oh, Happy Friday! I have a quick ankle update today. After a few weeks of seemingly no-progress physical therapy I finally feel like i'm making some headway. And I reached a big milestone this week...I get to ditch my walking boot! Wednesday was my first full day without wearing the boot and I'm telling you, my legs are tired. I'm using muscles I haven't used in months and it's been a tiring adjustment. BUT I am boot free and moving forward and feeling good about it.

I would also like to just say thanks to all of you! You always leave me such nice comments here and I read every single one of them. Whether it's crafting related or ankle related or baked good related, I appreciate you all coming to visit me here in my little corner of the blog world. Thank you!

And here's a little thank you card just to say...You're A Peach!

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday!!! Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. So pretty, love those butterflies!

  2. A card for us? :) Thank YOU! Glad your ankle is making positive strides!

  3. beautiful card! :) and... great news. happy friday! cheers :)

  4. Wahoo! Are having an 'I ditched the boot' party? I sure would! :-) Such a pretty card! I love the design, the colors, the embellies and paper it all!

  5. So glad to hear the good news with your ankle! Your card is so pretty--love the colors!!

  6. Yay for boot-free living! And love that beautiful card--the rich colored butterflies flying up the swirl are awesome! Have a great weekend!

  7. Aw, thanks - you're pretty peachy yourself :). Glad to hear you're making some progress with your ankle!

  8. Glad to hear about the progress on your ankle. I can't imagine how hard it would be to cope with lack of mobility--and still have to do everything. Your card is very sweet, and it is such a nice thing to post. I have to thank you for that choc chip caramel cookie bar recipe. I supervised my 12 year old daughter in making them today, and they were as easy and delicious as you promised. Now, to not eat the entire batch.....

  9. Cute card Mara! Lovin' the sweet butterflies!

  10. yeah for boot free!!!! that is great, love the card and butterflies!!

  11. I know that paper! Very cute, Mara! I'm glad you're happy with your progress! Quick recovery wishes to you!

  12. Great news!

    I love your card and the bright colors!

  13. The sugar cookies look so yummy! Your card is so pretty and bright! Beautiful butterflies. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.

  14. How exciting to not have a boot anymore!!
    Love your card and the design!! Very pretty!!

  15. what a beautiful card mara! love how you picked up the bottom pp in the butterflies ~ so elegant!
