
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sugar Cookie Bars with Marshmallow Fluff Frosting

I have a sweet post for you today, Sugar Cookie Bars. Sometimes i'm just too lazy to make cookies. You know the drill...make the batter, fill up the cookie sheet, bake for 12 minutes, repeat. Over and over. Call me crazy, but sometimes I just want to put the pan in the oven, set the timer for 25 minutes and be done with it. And this is exactly the recipe for doing that.

These are delicious sugar cookie bars with an equally delicious marshmallow fluff frosting. I may never go back to traditional buttercream again. Marshmallow fluff frosting (with rainbow sprinkles!) is where it's at. And will probably be responsible for an extra pants size. Or two.

You can color the frosting whatever color your heart desires. These are the perfect take anywhere cookie bar!

Here are the recipes for both the bars and the frosting. I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by!

Sugar Cookie Bars
recipe from Cookies and Cups

  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup butter, room temperature
  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  1. Preheat oven to 350°
  2. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray lightly with cooking spray.
  3. In your mixer cream butter, cream cheese and sugar together. Add in egg and vanilla and mix until incorporated.
  4. With mixer on low, add in your dry ingredients: flour, baking powder and baking soda.
  5. Mix until just combined.
  6. Press dough evenly into your prepared pan. This is a tough step, the dough will be super sticky!!
  7. Bake for 20 minutes until edges begin to golden.
  8. Cool completely before frosting.
Marshmallow Fluff Frosting
  • 1/2 cup butter room temp
  • 1/2 cup Marshmallow Fluff
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1-2 Tbsp milk or water
  1. Mix butter and Fluff until smooth on medium speed until smooth.
  2. Slowly add in powdered sugar with mixer on low.
  3. Add in milk and turn speed up to medium and mix until all combined and smooth.
  4. Color frosting if desired. I typically use the Wilton gel color (bought at Michael's) because it doesn't dilute the frosting like liquid food coloring.


  1. I love sugar cookie bars! I'll have to give the marshamllow fluff a try next time I make these.

  2. These look good. I know what you mean about making bars vs. cookies. I've gotten lazy like that recently. Check out my blog today, I talk about your choc chip caramel bars.

  3. wow, these look absolutely delish and i have it saved in my to bake folder-we are big sugar cookie fans in this family!!! thanks for sharing!


  4. yuuum. i'm so lazy, i just thought "could you melt a peep on top of them?" well, could you? lol! these look so yummy!

  5. Coming from someone who just finished baking her little heart out for a baby shower, bars are the way to go! These look so yum! Until just last week, I had no idea what marshmellow fluff was *hides head in shame*

  6. I am totally putting this on Pinterest right now. YUM!

  7. WOW! They look so pretty and so yummy!!
    I willl have to try this!! DD loves anything with marshmmellow!
    IKWYM about the baking part!
    I like things sometimes to be quick & easy too!!

  8. it's always such a pleasure visiting your blog ~ seeing all your goodies! so yummy! you take beautiful 'food' photos chickie! AND THOSE LOOK SCRUMPTIOUS!

  9. Yummy Mara! I really think everytime I visit your blog, I gain a few pounds just looking at all the scrumptious deserts.

  10. mmmmm, I make chocolate chip cookies bars all the time because I am too lazy to scoop, bake repeat. But sugar cookies are MY favorite. next up for me are these bars!
