
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

6x6 Paper Pads

I love how so many manufacturers offer a 6x6 version of their paper. The 6x6 paper pads are perfect for cards and other smallish projects, like tags. There is nothing better than flipping through a 6x6 pad just looking for those patterns to call out to you...make a card out of MEEEEEEE!!!! True story, that's what happened to me the other night. My My Mind's Eye Honey Cake paper was calling my name. And I answered.

I just started grabbing patterns and layering them like my life depended on it. Add shapes I cut on my Cricut, some lace, a button, baker's twine, and a Papertrey Ink stamp...and I had myself a card.

I think my favorite is this pretty button with the baker's twine. Yeah for baker's twine!!

When is the last time you had patterned paper calling your name? Or does that only happen to me???

Thanks for stopping by today, friends!


  1. oooooh i love that card! i have started buying more 6x6 pads especially love the MME ones since they are double sided!

  2. oh sooo love those papers and that card!!! super cute

  3. wowowowooww I totally love the colours and patterns you have chosen!

  4. Love this colour combo! It calls out my name too. I too have a stash of 6x6 and have been know to use a few on a couple of layouts too! Gorgeous!

  5. gorgeous card. Love the color combinations. I love the twine on your card. I think it takes a good eye to combine pattern papers. This is something I am not too good at. You rock though!

  6. Super adorable! I really need to start using my paper pads more often! :)

  7. Pretty card!!
    Love the lace and love the colors of the paper!!
    I just found some 6x6 Webster's pages tonight I forgot I had!
    I need to create with them soon!

  8. Super card. Good think that paper was calling out to you. You found the perfect use for it. And, there's that twine!

  9. Seriously SO cute! love that it's a square, and all the layering is JUST RIGHT:)

  10. Patterned paper is forever calling my name. I need to cover my ears! LOVE what you have done here with all the different patterns.
