
Monday, March 12, 2012

Homeade Snicker Bars

Every couple of weeks I get together with a few girlfriends that like to bake and we, well...we bake!! The recipe I'm sharing today is the result of our Friday baking night last week. My friend pinned this recipe on pinterest a while ago with the caption...BAKING NIGHT!!! It was definitely baking night worthy. Homeade Snicker Bars...

If there was ever a time to use O.M.G. and really MEAN it, this is the time. I know I always say that the recipes I post on my blog are fabulous or wonderful or great. But these are some of the greatest bars I have ever made. The recipe was spot on, they tasted exactly like snickers bars. These bars were definitely worth throwing my healthy eating plan OUT THE WINDOW for one night!!!

Everybody absolutely loved them and my girlfriend actually made another pan Saturday morning because word got out. And everybody wanted some. If you like Snickers, please make these. Because you will never eat another stale-been-sitting-on-the-Target-shelf-for-too-long snickers bar again. Baking night was definitely a success this time!!

Here is the recipe from the Brown Eyed Baker blog: Homeade Snicker Bars. The recipe looks long, but it's really just melting ingredients and constructing the layers (with fridge time inbetween the layers). You don't have to turn the oven on at all. That's a bonus.

Thanks for stopping by today! Happy Monday!


  1. Oh my, oh my! these look so drippingly delish Mara!

  2. Yikes! Those look AMAAAAAZING! Do you think without peanuts they would be sort of milkyways?

  3. Yum. I can feel my thighs expanding!

  4. slurp!!! those look fab!
    i just love the brown eyed baker blog :)


  5. oh my goodness they look sinful!!! I have to try making them too!

  6. So sinfully delish looking Mara! Good thing I have self control ;)

  7. Wow!! They do look amazing and look so good!!
    One day I will have to try this after I loose my 15 pounds then I can award myself!! LOL!

  8. Gooey goodness! Gotta bake some of these!

  9. If I make these I know I will not have any will power and I would eat them all. Maybe I will make them when I know I will have a house full. TFS looks delicious !

  10. How in the world do you not weigh 500 lbs.? These look fantastic!
