
Friday, May 11, 2012


Happy Friday!!! It's been one heck of a week. My daughter and I went horseback riding on Wednesday with her girl scout troop and she ended up getting kicked in the leg by one of the horses. Wednesday night was spent at urgent care getting xrays, because the way it swelled up I thought it was broken. Good news, no broken bones!! But man, did that make this mama's heart hurt to see that happen. Her leg just needs some rest and ice and elevation and then it will be as good as new. I hope.

Here is a layout I did for Momenta of my daughter and one of her friends...who didn't get kicked in the leg by a horse on Wednesday. Ha ha!

I am in love with the Chloe's Garden patterned paper pad. I chose a darker, more neutral paper for the background. And then started adding Momenta embellishments!! I used some great puffy border stickers and 3-d layered clear stickers. All the alphas are Momenta, as well.

I love these layered clear stickers!! Isn't that birdie super cute? I also cut my own banner and added some baker's twine and gems to finish it off.

I am really getting back into making layouts again. I made quite a few on my scrap weekend and I can't wait to share them! I hope you have a Fabulous Friday! Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Such a fun and pretty layout!

  2. so happy kayla wasn't hurt worse than she was. your lo is sooo darn cute. love those puffy stickers!

  3. Such a sweet layout and I am so happy that your daughter did not break her leg especially right before summer.

  4. ohhhh that is sooo scary, glad she is ok!! she's one tough cookie!! great page and soooo cute!!!

  5. so ahppy and bright I love that little birdie on the stick

  6. aww this layout is just way too the banner and that cute bird...

  7. Oh my! I'm SO glad your DD wasn't hurt worse and that she's okay. Your LO is so the soft background and all the fun color and of course those fab banners:)

  8. Glad your dd is ok! How scary!!! And how cute are the pair of them, showing off their crafty necklaces? Love it! Happy mother's day!

  9. Gorgeous memory page , fantastic photo's and such beautiful details and what a fabulous creation , great work and well done.
    Hugs Elaine
    Enjoy the weekend

  10. Beautiful layout! Glad to her your daughter is ok!

  11. This is such a sweet layout! I love all of the layers and the banner! It's all beautiful!

  12. What a darling layout and an adorable photo of your daughter and her friend...brings back memories:) I'm glad her leg didn't break! Yikes!
