
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Legoland Happy

I am finally getting around to scrapping our spring break trip...from last year. I am not crazy enough to think I can actually stay 'caught-up' with scrapping all my photos. I actually took a break for making layouts because it just wansn't doing it for me. But I am happy to report that making layouts is FUN again. Wheeee!!!

I used the Kaleidoscope pyramid paper pack by Momenta. I just love all the colors in this pack, I have used the heck out of it and I still have more paper. Pretty much everything is Momenta...the paper, the alphabet letters, the title, and these fun confetti stickers.

I am so happy to be making a dent in my spring break photos. We camped at Carlsbad State Beach for a week and had so much fun. I will be sharing more spring break layouts soon!!

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Such a great layout it is too!

  2. What a cute layout Mara, what a fantastic destination. We never made it there when my kids we young.

  3. Mara, this is a great design. I love those letters for a Lego-y look!

  4. Love the design! Looks like the kiddos had a great time!

  5. Darling layout Mara! Looks like your little ones had a blast!

  6. What a great layout. I love Legoland! It's literally just down the road from me, and we went there every day from when my oldest was 2 until just a couple of years ago. I'm sure you had tons of fun.

  7. what a fun page and soooo lovin the happy colors!!!!

  8. Very HAPPY layout! I'm glad you got your layout MOJO back! :oD

  9. I LOVE this Mara.. such a GREAT photo of the kiddos! I wont even tell you how many Spring Breaks I have yet to scrap! ;)
    Hope all is well!! Have a GREAT day!

  10. Oh my boys would love that place..lovin that border you have created!

  11. Oh my boys would love that place..lovin that border you have created!

  12. lucky! we've never seen a lego character there. such a cute lo- the colors are perfect :)

  13. So fun! love the big title and how cute are they?!
