
Monday, May 14, 2012

More She-Art...this time a 'scene'

Happy Monday!! I hope all you mom's out there had a wonderful day yesterday. Mine was very low key...a homeade breakfast, an afternoon bike ride and lots of reading and relaxing inbetween. And now...Monday again! I think Mother's Day should be a 3-day weekend.

I'm sharing another She-Art girl today. For this one, I closely followed Christy's video where she showed how to make a scene with your She-Art girl. I started with some blue paper for the sky, green toned papers for the grass and then covered most of the paper with paint. I built up the scene from there.

I think her neck is definitely better than the other She-Art girl I shared. And I tried the pleated/layered skirt technique.

I used paint for my flowers and used quite a few rub-ons on this canvas. I love my white rub-ons, I just wish I wasn't running low. I will be on the look out for more white rub-ons for sure.

I made this for a friend of mine who is an animal lover. I love the quote, thanks to my bloggy friend Joni! She helped me come up with a saying that fit for her. And as I type this, I have two more canvases coming to me via fed-ex and some other paint and supplies. I can't wait to make another Girl!!

Thanks for stopping by today, friends. Have a great Monday!


  1. What a beautiful and fun project.

  2. Eek, Mara!!! I LOVE her!!!
    You did such a wonderful job! Her dress looks great! I know your friend is going to LOVE it!

  3. so awesome. AWESOME! so pretty and cute and artsy. i loooooooove it!

  4. ohhhh love how fun this is!!! super cute!!!

  5. SHUT UP!!! You go girl!! This is awesome, I have sooooooooooooooooooooo wanted to do this! You have totally inspired me!

  6. These projects are so cool!!!! You are definitely inspiring me to try somethings I've been afraid of. I love it, keep them coming!!!

  7. Love this Mara! I'm still just thinking about doing these!! I have the canvas purchased and the Gesso - and I carry my other supply list around with me!

    Love the pleated skirt and your rub ons - a wonderful She Art!!

  8. love your she art...her dress came out so those flowers and the cute butterflies...

  9. Soooo cool! Her dress is fabulous!!!!

  10. Beautiful. You are so talented. Love those white rub ons too! Your friend is going to love this.

  11. Super beautiful. I love her dress. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

  12. Very beautiful and you are rockin the She Art!!
    Looking forward to seeing the others you will work on soon!
    I want to make a girl one day on canvas hoping maybe next week! I always say maybe next week?!
    If only we have more time during the day! LOL!

  13. I love this project! It turned out amazing! I agree, Mara mothers day shoul bee a 3 day weekend:) sounds like you had a nice one . Never heard of She Art.
