One of my scrappy girlfriends uses photoshop all the time and just loves it. She does spot coloring and makes some pretty cool photos. She's also a great photographer, which doesn't hurt. This weekend Kayla got a new outfit at The Children's Place and couldn't wait to wear it (even though it was cold and windy outside). She then asked me to take some pictures of her. Well...okay!!! Don't have to ask me twice! She was really cooperative. Sometimes taking pics she's makes goofy faces and won't ever smile. This time, she was loving it. I took some photos of her with our roses, then sent them over to my photoshop GF. I'll show you the before and after...

AFTER Spotcoloring:

Pretty cool, I Love how it turned out!!! I don't know if I need photoshop if I have my GF to do this for me, but maybe...
If you are REALLY nice to me I might consider getting photoshop for you from the library at CSUS. Us faculty types get a STEEP discount on that sort of thing... I got Office2007 for 15 bucks!!!
2 FREAKING AWESOME...mara she soooooooooo CUTE.TFS
That so cute!
I have photoshop and love it! The great thing about photoshop is that you can get a free trial download from Adobe before you try it. Also, if you want FREE Photoshop, Adobe is offering and online version of photoshow for free... called Photoshop Express. And I've heard it's WAY easier than regular photoshop!!
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