Okay, that is one of my DH's FAVORITE movies of all time, but that's not what this is about. Mary from 2SCD has a blog challenge, give the good, bad, and ugly of the holiday season. We'll start easy...
THE GOOD: This includes family and friends, time off work, presents, presents, giving presents, decorating the tree, lots and lots of holiday baking and eating, colder weather, wearing the hat and scarf even when it's not that cold outside, more family and friends, the quintesential christmas spirit!
THE BAD: I don't have much to say here! Maybe waiting in line or crowded parking lots, but I do alot of shopping online, so don't have to worry about that. Maybe those little extra pounds that creep on while i'm eating and baking?
THE UGLY: Whenever we get together for any occasion, there is always a few games of heated, highly competitive Scrabble played. We all know it, we all do it, we all love it. One holiday, my DH and I tried to memorize as many 2-letter words and words that start with 'V' from the dictionary on the drive to my Mom's. There's been letter swapping under the table, trash talking, pouting, some voices being raises, grudges held, and many challenges using the 20 year old dictionary. But this really takes the cake. This word was playing by my future brother-in-law on Thanksgiving. You can't really marry into this family unless you play a few rounds of Scrabble. You don't have to LIKE it, just shut up and play. Well, he played this word and by some miracle of nature, NOBODY CHALLENGED IT!!!!!! I wasn't in this game, but was shocked when I saw the board. He tried to sneak this past everyone, and by golly...it worked. Towl...some weird twisted version of towel...That's the UGLY i'm talking about!
BOOOOOOO-YA!!!!! Welcome to the family, Jason!

That's The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...and for my DH...