I made these for my brother-in-law's birthday without realizing that he loves cheesecake. Score one point for the sister-in-law!
The crust is your standard graham cracker + butter crust. I pressed it into a mini cheesecake pan. I also used a standard cheesecake recipe which was based loosely on THIS recipe from the Picky Palate blog . Without the pumpkin, obviously! And don't you love her blog header? Because I know I wear my black pumps when grocery shopping!! The cherry cheesecakes are plain cheesecake with cherry pie filling dolloped on top.

I actually split the batter and for the other half of the batter I stirred in mini (again with the mini!!!) snickers. And topped each one with a mini snicker.

Some of the snicker cheesecakes exploded in the oven. It wasn't pretty. I don't know if the caramel got too hot or what...but it wasn't pretty. I'm still cleaning caramel off my oven door. Notice i'm not showing those...hee hee!!

I think the cherry minis were the favorite, with the Snicker minis a close 2nd. While I love me some snickers, I still think these oreo cheesecakes were a bit better. Maybe something to do with exploded caramel.
I want to experiment with more flavors...any suggestions??? I was thinking Twix but I don't want another caramel mess to clean up. Maybe Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies? I wonder if I have any of those left in the pantry...
Thanks for stopping by!!