I finally put together my training plan. I have run 2 marathons, the first one I didn't use a training plan. My first marathon (Los Angeles, 2005) was really hard. I didn't train enough. I trained by time, not distance. And I overestimated how fast I was running during training. Oh boy, the last half of that marathon was brutal. But I finished it and caught the racing bug. Final time was 5:36. Not exactly what I wanted, but in essence I think I was just happy to finish and not puke or pass out while doing it.
2nd marathon...San Diego Rock and Roll in 2006. This time I ran with Team in Training. Awesome, awesome program. I got so much support from my family, I raised almost $5500. And I loved having a coach and people to train with.

Yes, I ran with that huge fanny pack around my waist. I really wanted to bring my camera during the race and this was the only way I could figure it out. It was annoying to wear and by like mile 6 I wanted to throw it over the side of the freeway. But thankfully I didn't because I got this awesome sweaty lobster red faced photo at mile 8.

My goal was to break 5 hours. I really really really wanted to break 5 hours. I ended up running without my training group for most of the race because I panicked around mile 10 and decided I needed to run faster to break 5 hours. That killed me in the end...but my final time was 4:56!! SO stoked to break 5 hours!!

So there you have it. I am at the beginning. The beginning of an 18 week training plan that will have me running my little heart out and getting up at the crack of dawn to do it. I would love to run a marathon around 4 hours...that's my goal. But I will see how my training goes, I might have to adjust that.
Thanks for coming along for the ride with me!! Gotta go stretch...