I made these for my brother-in-law's birthday without realizing that he loves cheesecake. Score one point for the sister-in-law!
The crust is your standard graham cracker + butter crust. I pressed it into a mini cheesecake pan. I also used a standard cheesecake recipe which was based loosely on THIS recipe from the Picky Palate blog . Without the pumpkin, obviously! And don't you love her blog header? Because I know I wear my black pumps when grocery shopping!! The cherry cheesecakes are plain cheesecake with cherry pie filling dolloped on top.

I actually split the batter and for the other half of the batter I stirred in mini (again with the mini!!!) snickers. And topped each one with a mini snicker.

Some of the snicker cheesecakes exploded in the oven. It wasn't pretty. I don't know if the caramel got too hot or what...but it wasn't pretty. I'm still cleaning caramel off my oven door. Notice i'm not showing those...hee hee!!

I think the cherry minis were the favorite, with the Snicker minis a close 2nd. While I love me some snickers, I still think these oreo cheesecakes were a bit better. Maybe something to do with exploded caramel.
I want to experiment with more flavors...any suggestions??? I was thinking Twix but I don't want another caramel mess to clean up. Maybe Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies? I wonder if I have any of those left in the pantry...
Thanks for stopping by!!
Hmm, I wonder if they could be s'more's like with tiny chocolate chips and a little marshmallow in the center? Possibly another mess. But these look delish!
Those look like little bites of heaven!!! Yum!
Oh my gosh, they look amazing!!!
They look stunning my mouth is watering!! I am adding your blog to my sidebar I hope you don't mind x
Yum looking so good making me hungry!
OH yum. I'm drooling here.
What about trying something fruity...do they even make soft fruity candy?
Who knows...I'm a key lime cheesecake fan!
OHHHHH MY!! Yummie ... I don't like cooked cheese cake but if those were in front of me I'd be SOLD!!!! They look perfect :)
Oh, do those ever look delicious! Will you be my neighbor?
Oh my!!! Those look amazing!! How about butterfinger?
These look dangerously delicious and way too easy to pop into my mouth!
How cute and yummy! where did you find a pan that small?
A mini-cheesecake pan?!! I've never heard of a mini-cheesecake pan! My favorite cheesecake is lemon. My hubby likes blueberry.
Yummy stuff, Mara!
Holy cow those look good! I think you made my two favorite flavors bc I cant think of anything else lol!!
YUM Mara!!! I so gotta break out my mini cheese cake pan!! :)
Have a GREAT weekend!
Yummy little morsels!
omg! i want one (okay, maybe 20!)
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