The recipe actually turned out to be pretty simple...sugar, more sugar, butterscotch chips, and pralines. And the candy thermometer wasn't so scary after all!! I added some chocolate on top!! I don't even know if this is how they are supposed to look. I had pecan pralines once, a long time ago when I was in New Orleans. And I can't remember what they looked like. LOL!! They kinda looked like blobs on my cookie sheet. So I drizzled some melted semi-sweet chocolate chips on top.

These were very good. And very sweet. The kind of sweet that makes my teeth hurt!!

Now I am anxious to see everybody's pralines to see what they are supposed to look like. This will definitely be a candy I seek out the next time I am out and about and near a candy store to compare. My kids liked them, but said they weren't their favorite. I think they would make very elegant gifts around the holidays, all wrapped up in a fancy box. And I loved the bites with bit ol' pecans!

Don't forget to check out all the SMS Bakers to see how their pralines looked this week! Thanks for stopping by. Have a Sweet Sunday!!
oooh, they look yummy! I think I might have to make them! Thanks!
I'm with you on the whole candy thermometer thing... It's nice to know that it wasn't so hard. Do you have gas or electric stove?
They look YUMMY!
I AGREE about the candy thermometer.. mine sits in my drawer .. unused.. and unloved! LOL!! These look WONDERFUL.. maybe I should give them a try.. and show the love to the candy thermometer! :)
have a GREAT day!
YUMMY! I am sure my DH will love these being a Louisiana boy!
These look so pretty with the drizzle on top! Love that contrasting color. And the baking cups you have them in are just adorable.
I love the way you jazzed them up Mara! I didn't know what the pralines were supposed to look like either since I've never made them or eaten one. Glad they were a hit for you guys! I didn't try one but lots of the blogs I've visited so far have commented on the sweetness.
Please don't look at mine for an idea of how they should look! I had troubles with them setting up so I poured the liquid gold into a pan and froze them. That actully worked and they tasted yummy!
I love the chocolate drizzled on top. What a great idea!
What a fun addition. I thought these were way too sweet. Your's look great!
Adding a drizzle of chocolate was a brillant idea! I agree that these would make a wonderful gift at the holidays. Fantastic job!
These look rich and delectable! Good goin' on using the candy thermometer!
Yum, I am not sure how they are supposed to look either but drizzled chocolate never hurt anything! They look delish.
I like the spin you put on it with the chocolate...very nice!!
They're dressed up with that chocodrizzle- that's a great idea!
The chocolate drizzle is genius!! Your pralines look delish! I wasn't so sure what they were supposed to look like earlier. That's the fun part about using a cookbook without pictures, right? ;) Nicely done!
Considering that most of us had no idea what pralines were to look like, you did a fantastic job improving on their appearance. Yours look professional and so good to eat.
Really great job.
The chocolate drizzled on top was a good idea. I had actually never made them before either - that was part of the intrigue. Thanks for baking with me!
Your pralines turned out gorgeous and the chocolate on top, what a great idea!
They look good to me!!
Hmmm, chocolate, what a good idea! Yours look wonderful . . . I was really pleased with the recipe.
I LOVE pralines. I tried them once, but it didn't work out so well. I know they're a Southern delicacy, but the humidity just ruins *my* attempts!
mmmm love pralines, but youre right, they are really sweet.
Those look so tasty!
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