This show revolves around Bret (who somewhere lost a T in his name) and his sincere quest for true love. comes the trash. These girls are the trashiest I have ever seen. Are they for real??????? They spend their days getting hammered, pole dancing, and cat fighting. It's insane, it's crazy, it's addicting, it's awful...and I can't stop watching. Last week they all had to talk dirty to Bret and his unit was hooked up to a monitor that measured blood flow to see how aroused he was getting. The BEST part was the guy hooking him up was wearing a white lab coat (because you can't be a legit scientist w/o a lab coat) and looked very official. Under his name in small text it said...Not a real scientist...what???? He's not??? But he's wearing a lab coat!!!??? It amazes me that he can make out with all the chicks in the house, but yet each of them feels they have a personal connection with him and they are HIS girlfriend. Priceless.
Please watch. Sunday nights on VH1. You won't be sorry...
Thanks for the tv tip Mara! I love good reality TV and this sounds right up my alley!
Yes, I loved Poison....when I was about 13!!!! LOL Of course, I'd watch the trashy show too, if I could get my kids out of the room! I am sure he's really needing some money and what better way to do it than on a music show! LOL Thanks for the hysterical commentating though Mara....I will definitely try to watch it!
P.S. THanks for the wishes for K!! ;)
Give me something to belive in, something from the lord above...
Every night has is dawn... just like every cowboy sings a sad sad song, every rose has its thorn...
Un Skinny bop bop!
You're a mess.
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