Yes, right here in the local pool. My doctor diagnosed me with a strained/sprained ligament in my ankle. I am doing physical therapy and everything bothers it, even riding the stationary bike. Today my physical therapist found a tiny bone spur on my ankle on the x-ray which she said is greatly aggravating the swelling in my ligament. SO...nothing that involves impact at all right now. But she did say swimming was okay. So I bit the bullet and joined the local gym, which has these pools.
It was coooooold this morning when I left for the gym! I scraped ice off the windshield to be able to drive. Okay, maybe not such a big deal in other parts of the country but in Southern California, that's cold! This is my super excited to be awake at 5am face...

As i'm taking this self portrait in the gym locker room I panic for a moment thinking...what if somebody walks in right now and sees me taking a photos of myself in my suit and cap and goggles in the mirror??? Super embarassing. But, since there was nobody else crazy enough to be getting into the pool when it's 35 degrees out, not to worry. Super embarassing might be the fact that it looks like I only have 1 ear in that photo.
So...that's where it's at. I will be swimming quite a bit for the new few weeks and doing PT 2-3 times a week. My therapist is pretty nice and understands (I think) my need to get back running again. Without swimming and Reese's peanut butter cups, I might go insane with no exercise. The price of the gym is well worth it.
I hope you all had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by today!
Hello there;0) Hope you get feeling better. I am also in a schwinn spinn class twice a week and love it! Good luck!
Hugs x
Cecelia B
So sorry you are off your feet. Does the PT give you a date when you can start running again?
I love the pool with the steam coming out of it! It looks toasty, hehehe...
Happy Swimming!
So sorry you are off your feet. Does the PT give you a date when you can start running again?
I love the pool with the steam coming out of it! It looks toasty, hehehe...
Happy Swimming!
Mara, sure hope you have a quick recovery and the PT goes better!
Wow! You are brave to swim with it only being 35 outside!!
Hope your foot feels better!
so special to see you all suited up again!!!!!
two comments: the pool is indoors, right?? so you
need not scrape the ice off the outdoor starting blocks!! last comment: hmmmm remember those days of yore where a certain cross country runner plunged into the cal high pool when she was injured on the track/course? take care and enjoy!!!!!!!!
glad you have an exercise outlet. hope your ankle recovers more quickly now. :)
Yikes! :-( Sorry to hear you have so much pain still and swimming is your only option! Maybe it will do ya good for a triathlon????? Is that pool outdoors?
OMG I am laughing my BUTT off... I can just picture it... Yikes!! ya it is much much colder at my house but that pool does not look to inviting.. but you gotta do what you gotta do... Good for you Mara.. and thanks for making me giggle this morning... !!!
You are dedicated, and yes it has been so cold in CA lately! Kudos to you! I'm glad no one walked in on your self portrait:)
sorry about your ankle! I hate to swim, hopefully you dont! enjoy!
So sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope you are back to normal ASAP.
Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope u are up and at em soon!! How is the pool working out? 35 is awfully cold to be swimming!!
Loved your self portrait tale...my ds and I both had a chuckle reading it!
ok this made me laugh because- 1. We have been living with snow and ice since november and 2. it would be funny if I saw someone taking a pic like that! Seriuosly I hope everything heals fast and you get back out on the road.
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