I don't think I truly appreciated my mom until I became a mom myself. My mom raised 4 kids
who were pretty spread out in age (I was 10 when my youngest brother was born). So she had to deal with diapers for a long time, LOL!!! She always made us school lunch, drove us all over Northern California for swim meets, would make us hot breakfasts for us to eat in the car in the morning after swim practice and before school, and was the best baker/chef/cook in the kitchen. My friends in high school called her Betty Crocker because she was always bringing goodies to swim meets for all the kids. One of my strongest memories is being in the kitchen with her, stirring the strawberry jam pot while she made jam in the summers. The smell of strawberry jam cooking still brings me back to childhood. Now that i'm a mom, she's the best Baki (grandma) and my kids love to visit her and have her visit us. Thanks mom for showing me the best example on how to be a mom myself!! I love you!!!
My Mother-in-law is another example of a great mom. She raised her 3 kids wonderfully and i'm very lucky to have such a great husband. My husband has fond memories of great Christmas's and family vacations. And we really appreciate all the babysitting she and my father-in-law do for us. And she's an absolute whiz with thread and fabric and a sewing machine!! She made us the most amazing fish pillows about 10 years ago and they are still going strong. My kids love seeing her and she's become a great grandma, too! Thanks Peggy for all you do for us!!
Hope you all have a beautiful day!
absolutely beautiful!
am awed. tytytyty
Mara, Happy Mother's Day to you and your moms! :o)
Great pictures!
You're one lucky lady! Happy Mother's Day to you as well.
LOVE the photos Mara!! Hope you had a GREAT day!!!
Great photos and a wonderful tribute to some obviously amazing women!
Such awesome photos!!!! Hope you had a fantastic day!!! I am tagging you today!!! A fun tag remembering our scrappy history!!! Check out my blog for details!!! Have a great day!!
awww so sweet mara xx
happy belated mother's day chickie! and what wonderful pics and memories! tfs
That was so sweet! You're so lucky to have such wonderful relationships in your life!
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