My scrappy friend Elisha gave me this award, isn't that sweet???? I know her from Scrapbooker's Club House and a few other places. So here is what I need to do:
1. Pick 7 of your favorite blogs (that's hard there are tons!)
2. Winners can put the logo on their blog.
3. Link the person who gave your award to your blog.
4. Name the 7 that you are giving the award to with their links.
5. Leave a message on their blogs so that they know they've won!
And here are my picks...
Beth: She scrapbooks, makes cards, cooks fabulous food, makes jewelry...is there anything she can't do??? I love to have a virtual margarita with Beth and just chat about scrapping and Rock of Love!!
Joni: She's a half marathon finisher, runner, beach dweller, scrapper, working mom. I love her blog...I just wish she would get to scrapping some more. Hint Hint Hint!!!
Mel: She's got a beautiful family that she scrapbooks, plays a mean game of live bingo and I would love to have a drink with Mel someday too!!
Zoa: She is an incredibly talented scrapper and can use flowers and bling like nobody's business!!!! Go check out her blog!
Sarah and Jason: This is my sister and her new hubby. I love to read his rants on traffic, gas guzzling hummers, and people in general. They have some pretty sweet shoe art in their yard and a wonderful commentary on Olympic trampoliners. This is a can't miss.
Nicole: I enjoy Nicole's scrappy style, she makes beautiful cards, she's a fellow California girl and I love her blog!
Lea Lawson: I don't know her, never met her, but I love her blog and her scrappy style!!!
That's it for now!! Thanks for stopping by!
you are a doll!!! I soooo *heart* your blog too!!! this is hilarious- I was just typing up a post on my blog about this!! thanks!!!
Congrats on your blog award Mara!!
Ah Mara ~ THANKS so much your so sweet!! and you KNOW I LOVE to visit yours too!! :) Lets have a Margarita and celebrate BLOGS!! :) I love your choices to give the award too... and no fair you took a couple of mine! HA HA!! Now to get thinking and um UPDATE the blog!!
have a GREAT day!!!!
Thanks, Mara! You are so sweet, except that you made this hard for me, LOL! Looks like you already picked all my favorite blog people! Hehehe!
mara you know you are one of my favorite designer
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